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Ecological signage: smart solutions for roads

ecological signag

Road safety is a constant concern worldwide. In this context, vertical signage plays a crucial role in guiding drivers and preventing accidents. However, the search for more sustainable solutions has led to the development of ecological signage, which uses recycled…

Collapsible Poles: Eco-Friendly Advantages Explained

Collapsible Poles

In our ongoing commitment to sustainability and eco-conscious innovations, collapsible poles are emerging as a significant player in the realm of eco-friendly technology. At EcoPoste, our collapsible poles are designed not only to meet rigorous technical standards but also to…

Material Poverty

The commitments made by Brazil for safer traffic, such as adherence to the United Nations’ “Second Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021-2030)” in parallel with the adoption of the “3 stars or more” criteria of the International Road Assessment…

Collapsibility Saving Lives

Periodically, technology brings about modifications in established product or service models, disrupting what society is accustomed to using or accepting as solutions to its needs. One of the most common examples was the transformation in the photography sector with the…

Passive Safety Product Certification

After the publication of the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 15486:2016, new concepts were introduced in the vertical signaling of Brazilian highways. What was commonly referred to as a signaling plate transformed into a vertical signaling system. Basically, before the norm’s…

Signaling Systems

When it comes to signaling panels, the idea of the film and its reflectivity as a measure of efficiency quickly comes to mind. This is common among professionals in the road infrastructure sector, meaning that all vertical signaling is treated…