Collapsible Pole: What is it and how does it contribute to safety?

Have you ever heard of a collapsible pole? It’s quite likely that you haven’t, even though this type of support is not new. In the dictionary, the term indicates something that is collapsible, susceptible to depression or sinking.

Collapsible poles are already present in a large number of urban streets and highways. But how do they differ from other models? The answer is that collapsible poles serve the same purposes as other supports found on vehicle traffic roads. Like poles made of wood, concrete, and metal, they serve as supports for signage, lamps, cameras, radars, and traffic lights.

The difference is that collapsible poles also function as safety items. The purpose is to reduce fatalities from accidents, especially on highways and other high-speed roads. At the very least, the aim is to mitigate damages.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.35 million people die annually in road traffic accidents worldwide. Additionally, millions of people suffer non-fatal injuries that can lead to long-term disabilities.

The UN warns of the increasing number of young victims of road fatalities globally. Every 24 seconds, one person dies on the roads, making it the leading cause of death for people aged 5 to 29.

What is a collapsible pole?

The logic of collapsible poles is that, in the event of a vehicle collision, they give way or deform, reducing the impact on the vehicle’s occupants.

There are two types of collapsibility: those where the structure detaches from the ground upon impact and those where this does not occur.

All production of this type of road safety solution is subject to the classification standards ABNT 15486 and EN12767. These standards establish the testing methods and classification of collapsible supports.

Poles manufactured by Ecoposte

In tests, energy absorption and the vehicle’s exit speed after impact are measured. The collapsible poles manufactured by Ecoposte are characterized by:

  • Low energy absorption, increasing vehicle safety in case of an accident.
  • Non-conductive of electricity, neutralizing electrical risks during a collision or handling by a maintenance professional.
  • MD collapse mode, ensuring the collapsible system activates regardless of the direction of impact.
  • Zero risk of roof indentation, reducing the risk of severe damage to the vehicle’s roof.

What are collapsible poles made of?

There is no single manufacturing form or material used in making collapsible poles. What is important is that the product demonstrates, during testing, that it meets the safety performance requirements.

The collapsible pole made by Ecoposte is manufactured using recycled plastic. Its production involves a system that ensures superior product performance.

In the manufacturing process, meshes, resins, and additives are molded and undergo mechanical centrifugation. This process does not include manual interference, ensuring the elimination of air bubbles and the superior performance of the product.

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